Searching for the Truth
I was born into a lower middle class family in September of 1952 in the little army town of Temple, Texas. My parents were the first persons in each of their families to attend college. The mood in America during that time for African-Americans was quite tense, but [...] read more
Enjoying Christ
Even though I was a Christian for three years, having been genuinely born again, I had no idea that I could enjoy Christ as my daily supply. Before I was saved, God was very objective and far away, but now Christ had come into me, yet my experience of Him and enjoyment of all His riches was almost nil.[...] read more
In Christ
Praise the Lord for the enlightening I have received! I contacted the local church in the beginning of 1999 after attending a denomination for ten years. After contacting the local church I began to realize that I was malnourished, and spiritually sick. I have discovered that Christ is my wonderful Savior[...] read more
Where the Lord has brought Me
I praise the Lord Jesus that He brought me the wonderful ministry of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee. For it was indeed God who brought me; I would never have come to meet with the local churches otherwise.[...] read more
Church in Denton
We warmly invite you to join us at one of our meetings.
University of North Texas / Texas Woman's University
If you would like to get connected with other Christians on the University of North Texas and Texas Woman's University campuses, please contact us
Small Group Gatherings in the Homes
Church in Denton gathers together through out the week in differnt homes