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A Need for Help with Maintenance on the Property

There is a need for brothers and sisters to help with the maintenance of the buildings the church is responsible for such as the meeting hall and the Thomas Street house.  These are routine items that need to be addressed on a regular basis such as replacing light bulbs, minor plumbing fixes, touch up painting, various appliance repairs such as replacing vacuum cleaner belts, etc.  This is a service of the church like Ushering, Cleaning, etc.  Please consider before the Lord about serving in this way and contact the Service Office to volunteer.  

Need for Ushers

There is a need for more brothers to serve as ushers.  An online signup list is now available here if you are interested in serving as an usher.

Maintenance Needed Ticket

Please click here to fill out a Maintenance Need if you see a need at any of these buildings - the Meeting Hall at 411 Thomas Street, the Thomas Street house, or the Bernard Street house.

Meeting Hall Cleaning Service Group

The church needs to create a new service group that will be dedicated to the cleaning of the meeting hall on a weekly basis, probably on Saturdays.  Because cleaning has only been done after the corporate prayer meetings, this means that the hall has only been cleaned every two weeks.  For both appearance and cleanliness we need to do this weekly, so we feel that we need to establish a service group like we have done for the meeting hall's maintenance.  An online signup list is now available here so that some of us can present our bodies (Rom. 12:1) one day a week to the Lord for His testimony's sake and clean the hall. 

Phone List Update

To download the Phone List, please click the "Download Phone List" button below.  The Phone List is password protected.  Please send an email to and request the password.

If you're new here or your information has changed, please modify it with the "Update Your Info" link below. This includes name, phone number(s), email address and home address.


The UK building project in London has moved its emphasis from Woodland Camp to the construction of a new training center in London at Bower House (please click here for a letter, which was read to the elders and responsible ones who attended the spring 2023 ITERO in Anaheim). Permission to construct the training center has been obtained, and initial preparations are being made to begin construction in December 2023. To give through LME for the UK building project, with emphasis on the new training center, please follow instructions at Designate offerings for “UK Building Project.” Information concerning the current progress at Woodland Camp can be found at


The church in Frisco is now asking for gifts for the building of their meeting hall.  The estimated unpledged costs for the building and the equipment are $1,200,000.  Locally the saints in Frisco and McKinney have pledged approximately $800,000 towards the cost.  The churches in the Metroplex are asking all the saints to consider before the Lord how much they can contribute for this endeavor.  The church in Frisco hopes to have everything completed by the end of this year.  

The church in Denton’s estimated portion is around $100,000. This figure is based on the approximate number of working saints.  A target of $300 per month per working saint would reach this goal by the end of December but whatever amount each one feels before the Lord to give will be passed on whether it comes from those who are working, retired, or students.  If you would like to make a donation for this, please mark it as "Frisco Hall".  Currently we have reached $66,730 toward our goal. 


Please click here regarding the need for the church in Munich, Germany to purchase a meeting place, a need of $3,500,000 at the current exchange rate remains.  Please designate offerings for “Munich Meeting Hall.”


Please click here regarding: Completing the purchase of the mezzanine floor in Malaga, Spain, a need of $550,000 at the current exchange rate remains.  For offerings, please go to LME’s website: or make an offering to the church in Denton. Please designate the offering: “For Malaga purchase”.


November 2022 Update:  “We thank the Lord that the purchase contract for the meeting hall in Stuttgart has been signed! Please continue to pray for the release of the finances needed for the purchase and renovation of this meeting hall. Please also pray for the proper personnel (architect, engineers, contractors, and interior designer, etc.) needed for the renovation work and that the Lord will guide the brothers in every decision in this process.”  

Please click here for information about the purchase of a meeting hall in Stuttgart, Germany.  Currently, there are around 65 saints and 15 children and young people in the church.  The saints have been renting a meeting space since the 1980s. 


Gifts to the Lord's Move to Europe Including Ukraine and the refugees being cared for by the churches may be made to:

Living Stream Ministry

We can now make online donations directly to Living Stream Ministry:  This website may be used to make one-time donations, designated offerings, and fixed recurring donations.  (It may not be used to make payments for goods and services.)

Announcing a periodic newsletter from Living Stream Ministry

“Having This Ministry…” is a digital newsletter from Living Stream Ministry.  To view the inaugural issue and also to subscribe to receive an email with each new issue, please click here.

This Week

Jan 14-20th

Zoom information for ALL corporate meetings this week

Meeting ID: 893 2023 2944

Password: LORDJESUS!

Link: click here.

Lord's Day Morning 10:00am

No Lord's Table Meeting in the Evening, January 14th


Group meetings at 7:30pm


This Lord's Day's Fellowship, January 14th​

Living and Serving according to God’s Economy concerning the Church - Week 3

This Week beginning Monday, January 15th

Living and Serving according to God’s Economy concerning the Church - Week 4

© 2020 by The Church in Denton. All rights reserved.
411 Thomas St. Denton, TX 76201
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